

Convert HTML template to PDF in Next.js

Easily convert HTML templates to PDF in Next.js using html2canvas & jsPDF. Generate dynamic, server-side PDFs for invoices, reports, or documents with seamless integration into your Next.js application.


Animejs Playground

Anime.js is a lightweight, flexible JavaScript animation library for creating smooth, dynamic, customizable animations with intuitive timelines and effects.


Tackle sorting in JavaScript with ease

JavaScript sorting involves arranging elements in an array in a specific order, commonly ascending or descending, using built-in methods like sort() or custom comparison functions.


Node.js child process is must to boost the server

Using Node.js child processes is essential to boost server performance, enabling parallel execution of tasks, handling CPU-intensive operations, and improving scalability without blocking the main thread.


Solve auth problems with HttpOnly

Solve authentication issues by using HttpOnly cookies, preventing client-side access and enhancing security against XSS attacks and session hijacking.


Easiest way to implement BODMAS in JavaScript

Implement BODMAS in JavaScript using Function(). Prepare a custom parser to handle mathematical expressions respecting operator precedence.


Use SCSS to boost your CSS writing speed

SCSS is a CSS preprocessor that extends CSS with features like variables, nesting, mixins, and more, making CSS development more efficient and maintainable.


POC of CRUD APIs using Go, Postgres

A POC of CRUD APIs using Go and Postgres involves creating RESTful endpoints for Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations with a Postgres database backend.


Setup GraphQL on Node.js with ES6

Set up GraphQL on Node.js with ES6 by installing dependencies like graphql and express-graphql, creating a schema, and configuring resolvers for data fetching.


Implement 0/1 Knapsack in JavaScript

Implement the 0/1 Knapsack problem in JavaScript using dynamic programming to optimize item selection based on weight and value, ensuring the maximum value without exceeding capacity.


Quick setup "socket.io" on Node.js using ES6

Quickly set up “socket.io” on Node.js using ES6 by installing dependencies, initializing the server, and creating WebSocket connections for real-time communication.


The "best" way to manage Redux on Next.js

The best way to manage Redux in Next.js without Redux Toolkit is by manually setting up actions, reducers, and store with React-Redux for state management.
